Standards Australia delays storage guidelines after protests

14 February, 2017

Standards Australia appears to have delayed the release of guidelines on the installation of battery storage devices in homes, after receiving a barrage of criticism over proposals that the industry feared would amount to an effective ban on lithium-ion battery storage devices inside homes.

Battery Storage
Lithium-ion battery storage may be banned inside Australian homes

13 February, 2017

Lithium-ion battery storage devices may be banned from being installed inside homes and garages in Australia under new guidelines being drafted by Standards Australia.

Battery Storage
Heatwave Blackout Threat Boosts Solar Battery Interest

10 February, 2017

The threat of heatwave related blackouts in Australia is another reason households are contemplating increased energy independence through the installation of solar and battery systems.

Battery Storage
Pee Power – High Efficiency Urea Solar Batteries

09 February, 2017

Stanford University engineers have utilised urea, a compound that can be derived from animal urine, to produce a super-efficient solar battery that could provide a low-cost energy storage solution.

Battery Storage


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