Graph of the Day: Big solar nears 100GW of installed capacity
06 March, 2017
As Australia’s big solar market gears up for a potentially “huge” 2017, 2016 has been chalked up as another record year for utility-scale solar, globally, with cumulative capacity falling just short of 100GW, and a new annual record for new installations set at almost 35GW.
Canberra’s Solar Battery Rollout Progresses
06 March, 2017
More than 100 Canberra homes and businesses have installed heavily subsidised battery storage systems through the ACT’s Next Generation Renewables Energy Storage Grants program.
Solar Power Helps Save The Day In South Australia
06 March, 2017
Blackouts were averted in SA on Friday after an incident that saw more than 600MW of electricity generation capacity suddenly lost – just as Adelaide was welcoming the start of Clipsal 500 and Adelaide Festival.
How much can you really save by going solar?
17 February, 2017
POWER prices are on their way up so it is time to follow the Prime Minister’s lead and install solar panels on your roof?