Trading solar power: Retirees test way to beat shrinking feed-in tariffs
10 October, 2016
Retirees in the West Australian town of Busselton are trialling a new system which allows them to sell excess energy they have generated from their solar panels direct to their neighbours.
Australia's first local government solar farm reaches milestone
07 October, 2016
The first solar panel table was put in place today at the Sunshine Coast Solar Farm at Valdora.
Greens Urge “Battery Boom” For South Australia
07 October, 2016
In the wake of devastating storms that blacked out the entire state, the Greens are pushing their proposed battery incentives as a way to boost energy security.
World-first solar tower powered tomato farm opens in Port Augusta
07 October, 2016
Construction of a world-leading, concentrated solar power (CSP) tower plant that will supply electricity, heat and desalinated seawater to grow tomatoes in the Australian desert has been completed in South Australia.