Renewables and storage steal the show at government’s coal party
28 March, 2019
It wasn’t supposed to turn out like this. Go back a few months and the intention of the Coalition through its proposed underwriting scheme of new generation investment was crystal clear: Bring in “base-load”and “24/7” power.
Approved Solar Retailer program designed to help customers sift the good from the bad
25 March, 2019
Clean Energy Council chief executive Kane Thornton explains the reason behind the new level of rigor which is being applied to the council’s Approved Solar Retailer program.
Victoria’s 2019/20 Minimum Solar Feed In Tariff Rates Finalised
04 March, 2019
Victoria’s Essential Services Commission (ESC) has set new rates for solar feed-in tariffs from July 2019. The single rate will be boosted, shoulder/off-peak time-varying rates will be increased and the peak rate slashed.
NSW Labor aims for “at least” 50% renewables by 2030
28 February, 2019
New South Wales Labor says it will aim for at least a 50 per cent share of renewables in the state’s electricity consumption by 2030, and will source the equivalent of all the state government electricity needs from renewables by 2025.