Five things we learned this week about home battery storage
27 September, 2017
Australian consumers are quickly getting wise to the crucial role battery storage will play, alongside rooftop solar, in cutting their reliance on increasingly expensive grid-supplied electricity, and driving down soaring power bills.
Goulburn Council floats solar PV as a way to cut water costs
26 September, 2017
Another local government in regional Australia is weighing up the benefits of installing floating solar PV arrays on council owned water stores and waste treatment plants, to reduce its carbon footprint and offset rising power costs.
Stunning tipping points mean coal will never be great again
26 September, 2017
It’s been said before, but it bears repeating, particularly given what former coal chief Ian Dunlop describes as the extraordinary stupidity of Australia’s energy debate.
STC price drop gouges solar PV installers’ profits
26 September, 2017
Volatility in the Small-scale Technology Certificates market has caught many installers out, but not all. Is there further to fall?