25 August, 2017
Big news for big storage with the development of a new large-scale battery designed to demonstrate how energy storage can strengthen South Australia’s grid and potentially lower energy prices. ARENA is providing up to $12 million in funding toward the 30 MW, 8 MWh battery at the Dalrymple substation on the Yorke Peninsula west of Adelaide.
Forward Ho!
25 August, 2017
Victoria’s transition to renewable energy will soon be enshrined in legislation with the Labor Government setting new renewable energy targets of 25 per cent by 2020 and 40 per cent by 2025. The state government declared it is the first time such ambitious renewable energy targets have been enshrined in legislation anywhere in Australia, and accompanying the power of renewable energy is the prospect of driving down prices, attracting billions of dollars of investment and creating thousands of local jobs. As we like to say in the industry, what’s not to like?
Supply crunch casts shadow over Australian solar boom
25 August, 2017
The unexpected boom in China’s solar PV installation this year may have an unfortunate impact on the ambitious plans of many in Australia’s surging solar sector – a bottleneck in module supplies and price rises by the end of the year.
Australia urged to aim for 100% renewables by 2030s
24 August, 2017
One of the world’s leading climate experts says Australia needs to aim for 100 per cent renewables within two decades as part of its efforts to meet climate targets, and it stands to reap enormous economic – and environmental – benefits if it does.