Q Cells - the number 1 performing polycrystalline panel in the world, is now available from One Stop Warehouse.

The Q.Pro-G3-255 and the Q.Peak-G3-280 exceed all other panels quality testing and tracking, in fact every single cell is individually numbered so that every single manufacturing process is traceable and measurable.

QCells actually works with VDE to define the highest possible testing procedures available. Anti PID technology, Hot spot testing and protection, a breathable junction box, welded cables, anti-reflective coating, lightweight frame but 5400pa wind capacity (ie wind region D in Aus), 83% efficiency after 25 years of use.

We are extremely excited to be able to stock and supply this outstanding panel and are confident that our supply capabilities will deliver QCells at a price you can easily justify to your customer when explaining the outstanding features to price ratio. Call us today to discuss the product and pricing.