Battery storage coupled with low-carbon electricity generation could have helped to avoid the power outages experienced in South Australia earlier this year, according to a study by RES and Lloyd’s Register.

RES Australia technical head Jeremy Moon said the power outages, which were caused by severe storms will mean a detailed review of the Australian state’s power system security policy.


He said: “Operators are faced with a huge challenge to protect energy generation supply and demand in extreme weather conditions.

“We understand this requires investment long term and the adoption of new technology and solutions that enable sustainable energy provision now and in the future.”

The two companies said new technology should be planned for now by both government and operators.

Lloyd’s Register energy services manager for the Australian power engineering division Andrew Jones said: “New technology solutions in energy storage can be leveraged to help operators use more cost-effective and locally produced energy.

“This study seeks to open discussions on … how large-scale grid connected battery storage available right now can play a critical role in improving power system events such as those experienced in South Australia.”

Storage offers outage ‘solution’ image