GCL System Integration Technology Co. Ltd. is entering a business partnership with IBC SOLAR in Germany, a global leader in photovoltaic (PV) systems and energy storage.

According to GCL marks it a further step that GCL-SI is exploring the European markets by providing the local markets with its solar modules.

Per agreement, GCL-SI will deliver 60 megawatt polycrystalline solar modules to IBC before the end of the year. The first batch of solar modules will arrive in September. The modules delivered to the European markets will be produced at its factory in Vietnam.

IBC Solar is a leading global provider of photovoltaic and energy storage solutions and services. As a project developer and general contractor, they implements and markets major solar projects worldwide. It has currently implemented photovoltaic systems with an output of over 3 gigawatts globally and guarantees the highest quality of all its projects. The partnership implies further recognition from IBC of GCL-SI's production quality.