LG Chem Australia are please to update you that from January 1st 2019 the South Australia Home Battery Scheme is now open to battery systems that have been assessed and comply to their technical requirements. The following LG Chem RESU models are now approved and able to be paired with our Sungrow Inverters for this scheme.
• RESU6.5
• RESU10
• Combinations of any 2 of the above units using the RESU PLUS combiner box
Note: Other inverter brands are still going through the application process.
RESU3.3 is approved however for this scheme subsidy suits larger storage capacity.
RESU13 still requires further paperwork and is likely to be added in March.
To make the most out of this great opportunity you need to register your system installations on the official SA Government website.
Additionally Sungrow and LG Chem have developed a pre-filled application template for the system registration process to make the registration process much easier for your business to fill out online.