This storm season, get safer PV With the high number of installed solar systems across Australia, many will be affected by storms, hail, cyclones, fire and floods. Property owners with installed solar systems are generally unaware that de-energizing their solar assets during adverse weather events makes the property safer for occupants and first responders. Tigo an easy solution that can be added to existing or installed with new PV systems. Tigo TS4 devices connect to each PV module and lower the voltage of each if an owner flips a switch or the AC supply is interrupted. As a result, DC voltage in the entire PV string is greatly reduced, lowering safety risks for occupants and first responders. The solution: module level shutdown The problem: storms create safety issues for PV systems Tigo TS4: the industry leading shutdown devices Tigo TS4 devices can be installed in seconds. They easily clip to any PV module and plug into the jbox using standard MC4 connectors. They are rated for modules up to 500 W and work with all the major string inverter brands. Tigo enables safer PV • Minimizes shock risk to first responders that |