With the new standard becoming mandatory from December 18, 2021, manufacturers of PV inverter products must have 3 key certifications, as follows:
- Inverter certificate AS/NZS4777.2:2020
- If the inverter has built-in DC isolator, the inverter and DC isolator need to be tested together for "temperature rise verification with Solar effects". (Refer to EESS Information Bulletin #20-018 v1.2)
- Inverter manufacturers are required to list models ofbuilt-in DC isolators as level 3 products in the National Equipment Registration System with the corresponding inverter model names for household use as per AS/NZS 4417.2.
In this case, for inverter models on the CEC AS4777.2020 list, it does not mean that they are fully compliant with all relevant legislations and code of practice. Local safety regulatory agencies will accordingly reject the installation approval if non-compliant inverters are installed.